Learning Menu/Plate

What is a learning menu or a learning plate?

Why do I love them?
They allow students at different levels appropriate access to learning the content. I think it’s one of the most difficult things to deal with these days – explaining to students why they have to do “more” work than others. It’s about challenging yourself to your abilities I think.

Is there a downside?
Yes, in a way there is. Learning menus can take a lot of time depending on your own knowledge and creativity levels. This downloadable example is only one of many possibilities though. What works for me may not work for you and that’s OK! Leave a comment on yours and help other educators collaborate.

EXAMPLES: The link below should open a drive file to the plans shown


28 Responses to Learning Menu/Plate

  1. Lola Sawyerr says:

    By the way, I teach AP Macroeconomics. I left that information out when I sent the email. My name is Lola Sawyerr

    • cshinski@gmail.com says:

      Yes absolutely, sorry I have been away from being able to manage this site for a month. I will reach out asap! AP Macro must be awesome! We have not offered that yet at the school I work at but boy, is this a time to be teaching that topic!

  2. Lola Sawyerr says:

    I am interested in doing something like this. Could you please send it to me?

  3. Jasmine DeJohn says:

    I love this! Any suggestions for 6th grade World Geo choice boards?

  4. Bernard Washington says:

    I love what you are doing. Could you please send me the zip file you have listed and any other menus you have. I teach both World History and US History

  5. Audrey Browne says:

    Hello, I am a teacher in South Carolina and I teach US History for the state EOC. I would be very appreciative if you could send me anything you have the might help me to differentiate instruction. I love your menus and anyone else that has choice boards for US History or that will work with it.


    Thank you,
    Audrey Browne

  6. Janice says:


    I am a Social Studies teacher at a high school campus and I would like to implement learning menus. Could you please share your zip file so I can investigate more about the menus.



  7. Carissa Dimino says:


    How long does one “menu” take you to create and how long of a time period is it utilized for in class (how many class sessions etc.)?

    • cshinski@gmail.com says:

      Hi Carissa, they don’t take very long to make providing you have a variety of ideas that are differentiated. I guess some basic level of creativity is involved but if you have a set of ‘tasks’ and just change the content per the unit they are quick.

      They can be used for as many periods as you like but usually I break them into a portion of a full unit. So maybe 3-5 total days. 3 to learn, 1 to build, and 1 to assess or 3 to learn and 1 to assess through an activity or creative project students can engage in.

      It can be more difficult I think dedicating so much time when there is so much to cover though. In NYS we have a ton of content to get through and I think it makes it less fun and more difficult to stop along the way and build depth and interest for students. But that’s just my take.

  8. Lori Hendrix says:

    Could you please send me the zip file on the menu board? Thank you so much!

  9. Melanie says:

    Hello, I teach 7th and 8th grade NY/US History. I’d love the entire lesson and any other learning menus that you have to incorporate into my classroom. Thank you so much!

  10. Franshicka Banks-Brown says:

    I would love it if you would send me the zip file. Thanks!

  11. historyteech says:

    Hi Mr. Shinski,

    I love your ideas! Would you email me your zip file? My partner teacher and I have been looking for different ways to engage students this year. Thanks for your help.

    • cshinski@gmail.com says:

      I just posted the link to the file since it is requested a lot. It should be right above these comments.

  12. Caroline Peterson says:

    Please send me the zip file, also. I taught 8th grade American History a few years ago and I used learning menus. I’m now teaching it, again, and I need some materials. Thank you!!

  13. Alyson Greenfield says:

    I am interested in the full lesson and would appreciate if you could forward the zip file to me.
    Thank you,

  14. Deb says:

    Hi can you please email me.

  15. Beau Keda says:

    Hello, I am to begin teaching middle and high school social studies at an international school in Seoul South Korea starting in September and I want to create and employ learning menus for my geography, world and US history classes. I want to use them in conjunction with a gamified classroom setting and thought it would fit perfect with the class format that I want. I would love the zip file to see what you have for ideas and inspiration. I have been struggling to come up with ideas and a format that I like and something that would work for multiple subjects and grades.
    Thank you,
    Beau Keda

  16. Jessica says:

    I’d love the .zip file to use in my Civics course! Thank you in advance

    • cshinski@gmail.com says:

      Absolutely! I will email it tonight. Sorry for the super long delay! I’ve been so busy this year (newborn baby) I am just getting back into managing my site more.

      Let me know if everything is received!

  17. Karen Sharp says:

    Hello! I am interested in learning how to make a Learning Menu. I currently make Choice Boards. As far as student learning, do you have a preference for menus versus choice boards? If so, why? I would love the zip file too, please.

  18. Karen Sharp says:

    Hello~ I am very interested in sharing this/ creating one for my students. I currently make Choice Boards, but want to know more about menus. Why do you prefer a Menu versus a Choice Board? Thanks so much! Karen

    • cshinski@gmail.com says:

      To be honest, I have not used choice boards before at all but they appear very similar. It’s almost the same thing. With the menu I like them because there are small tasks, big tasks, and ‘bonus’ tasks which equate to appetizer, entree, and dessert to me.

      So I am able to differentiate the size and difficulty of the task to present it that way.

  19. Dr. Benita Brooks says:

    I teach preservice teachers seeking certification in grades 4-8. I would love it if you will email the zip file. I would like to share this strategy with my students. Thank you!

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